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Text of Hymns suitable for Holy Communion

Weddings > Harp & Voice

We Give you Thanks.
For the bread and wine we share here,
For the friends that we embrace,
For the peace we find in healing,
For all who gather in this place,
For the faith of those around us,
For the dead and all those here,
For the hope we find in memory,
For the love that draws us near,

We give you thanks, we give you thanks,

For the grace to receive, in you we believe,
We give you thanks, we give you thanks,
With faith and hope and love we give you thanks.

For the movement deep within us,
For the stories that we bring,
For the signs of God's compassion,
For the journey that we sing.
For the word that holds our promise,
For the gifts that we can claim.
For the wonders that surround us,
For the song that sings our name.

We give you thanks, we give you thanks,
For the grace we receive, in you we believe.
We give you thanks, we give you thanks
With faith and hope and love we give you thanks.

I Arise Today.

I arise to day through the strength of Heaven.
Light of Sun, radiance of moon, splendour of fire,
speed of lightening,
Swiftness of rock, depth of the sea, stability of earth.

I arise to day thou God’s strength to pilot me,
God’s eye to look before me,
God’s wisdom to guide me, God’s way to lie before me,
God’s shield to protect me from all who would wish me ill,
afar and a- near, alone or in a multitude.
Against every cruel merciless power,
that may oppose my body and soul.

Christ with me, Christ before me,
Christ behind me, Christ in me.
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left.
Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down,
Christ when I arise, Christ to shield me.

Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me.
I arise to day.

When Love is Found.
When Love is Found and hope comes home,
Sing and be glad that two are one,
When love explodes and fills the sky,
Praise God and share our Maker's joy.
When love has flow'red in trust and care,
Build both each day that love may dare
to reach beyond home's warmth and light,
To serve and strive for truth and right.
When love is tried as loved ones change,
Hold still to love though all seems strange,
Till ease returns and hope grows wise,
Through listening ears and opened eyes.
When love is torn and trust betrayed,
Pray strength to love till torments fade,
Till lovers keep no score of wrong,
But hear through pain, love's Easter song.
Praise God for love, praise God for life,
In age or youth, husband, wife.
Lift up your hearts, let love be fed,
Throught death and life in broken bread.

The Prayer.
We pray you'll be our eyes, and watch us where we go,
And help us to be wise, in times when we don't know.
Let this be our prayer, when we lose our way,
Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace,
To a place where we'll be safe.
I pray we'll find your light, and hold it in our hearts,
When stars go out at night, eternal star thou art,
Let this be our prayer, when shadows fill our day.
Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace,
Give us faith and we'll be safe,
We ask that life be kind, and watch us from above,
We hope each soul will find another soul to love,
Let this be our prayer, just like every child,
Needs to find a place, guide us with your grace,
Give us faith and we'll be safe.

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