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Funeral Repertoire.
Hymns suitable for Funerals.
Abide with Me.
Ag Chriost an Siol.
Ave Maria. Schubert. Bach.
Be Thou my Vision.
Be Not Afraid.
Be Still my Soul. Sibelius.
Cead Mile Fáilte Romhat.
Christ be Beside Me.
Christ the Healer.
Day is Done.
God of Mercy and Compassion.
Hail Queen of Heaven.
Here I am Lord.
I am the Bread of Life.
I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say. M. Joncas.
Im Paradisum. Faure.
Lead Kindly Light. Dykes .
Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled.
Lord of all hopefulness.
Nearer my God to Thee.
Now Lord, Let your Servant Go in Peace. L. Lawton.
On Eagles Wings.
Panis Angelicus.
Pie Jesu. Faure.
Pie Jesu. Webber.
Soul of my Saviour.
The Beatitudes.
The Cloud’s Veil. L. Lawton.
The Day Thou Gavest Lord is Ended.
The Lord’s my Shepherd.
The Lord will be my Shepherd.
The Lourdes Magnificat.
The Voice of an Angel. Lawton.